Take Control Of The Body You Live In

Our bodies are magnificent.
Use yours well.

Our Functional Education series will allow you to transform the way you move and feel.

For more exercises tutorials head over to the Buckingham Fitness YouTube Channel


Stop squatting your deadlifts!

Learn the differences between the Squat & the Deadlift including:
- Squatting vs. Hinging
- Knee vs. Hip Dominant
- External & Internal Cues to let your body feel the differences
- Tips to make the most out of each lift
- And more!


Mobilize your body to improve your flexibility!

Are you in tune with the ways in which your body moves & operates? Do you know how it is supposed or even able to move throughout the different planes of motion? Do you simply need to just move your body around?

Give this 6-Minute Morning Mobility Routine follow along workout a shot (in the morning or anytime!) to wake your body up & gain more awareness over the ways in which your body moves!

Remove your knee pain when you squat with these simple adjustments.

Let your body be the amazing machine it can be by getting out of your way! Too many people are moving into pain instead of out of it. Open up your hips, knees, and squat depth with these simple manipulations!

Everybody is different and
every body is different.

Earn the right to use a weightlifting belt

Am I using my glutes or my hamstrings? Help!

Be like Lizzo & use some ‘Tempo’

Tempo work is incredibly beneficial for stabilization & resiliency, & to enhance motor unit control & application.


Small Group Training - 2x/week